Friday, June 22, 2012

Fete de la Musique

It is hard to criticise Brisbane city after an event as breathtaking as Fete de la Musique. Their tagline reads, "Music, everywhere"- a sentiment that is not an exaggeration in the slightest. Brisbane was inundated with musicians, from every place and every style imaginable. There were gigs in the shopping centres, the train stations, even on the ferries and buses. I headed out to the festival with some music enthusiast friends of mine, for what turned out to be a crazy amazing day.

  The first band we checked out on the day was The Captain's Daughters, who performed at the Allan's music stage, right in the heart of Queen Street Mall. To say they are talented is a gross understatement. They are phenomenal. Opening the set with a harmonised whistle, The Captain's Daughters never failed to woo the crowd. Each member, in their own right, were amazing vocalists. I was never able to tell which one would be singing next. As well as that, they were all sensational musicians. It felt as though the five most talented young musicians in Brisbane city one day met and decided to start a band. Yeah, that kind of amazing. Their covers were fun, and the originals were catchy, lyrically elaborate, and left me thirsting for more of their unique style. 

After a quick bite to eat at the ever-charming Moss Burger, our merry troupe made our way down to Central Station, to listen to the quaint tunes that had filled the station's corridors. Lita and the Bird captivated the passersby, their sound truly unique, even amongst one of the most diverse festivals in town. Selita Laubaka's voice is mesmerising- it has an edge to it that cuts straight through the air, and her primary 'bird', Jason Czapla, truly astounded the audience with his ability, not only as a guitarist. The moment he brought out the banjo, I was hooked, and the harmonica was an added bonus. The other members of the band were outstanding, and I could easily imagine the group playing far bigger venues than the quiet corner of Central Station.

 We returned to Queen Street Mall for a familiar face- one of the talented daughter's from The Captain's Daughter's, Lucinda Johnson, who goes by the delightful stage name O' Little Sister. Lucinda is by far one of the most talented songwriters to grace the streets of Brisbane City. Her original music has a quality to it that resonates- you can feel her heart amongst her aureate lyrics. My personal favourite is her song 'Run'- my new public transport anthem. From the first line, I was captured. Her vocal range is exceptional, and is showcased brilliantly in the intricate melodies of 'Run'. The lyrics resonated deeply, and needless to say, this song has been on repeat since yesterday. In fact, I'm listening to it right now. Lucinda will go places, that is for sure. 

Our group headed down to the basement of Rockinghorse Records, for the highly anticipated free performance from The Cairos. The low-lit room was packed to the brim, DSLR camera's in what seemed like everyone's hand.  We were ready. I must confess, I'd never listened to The Cairos before this moment. It was a beautiful moment. Extraordinarily talented musicians, their songs were insanely catchy. Stuck-in-your-head-for-weeks catchy. Vocalist Alastair Richardson filled the room with a distinct, powerful tenor and fantastic lyrics. Somehow, amongst an indie-pop soaked music industry, The Cairos' sound has remained unique. Their music swept you away into the summer days many long for, and the crowd loved it. 

We again found ourselves at the Queen Street Mall Allan's Music Stage. The Mouldy Lovers played the last set we watched on the day, and it was truly a superb way to end. The Mouldy Lovers' epitomised Fete de la Musique. Featuring an accordion and trumpet, this band was extraordinary. Each musician was overwhelmingly talented, but the stand-out of the night for me was Gav Cook on guitar. His energy on stage drew me in, and it really made the performance something special. The Mouldy Lovers swept the audience away with their gypsy-funk tunes, drawing us into their world of fun and wonder. 

 Fete de la Musique is truly one of Brisbane's finest events. What is not to love about music, everywhere?  I adored every aspect of it, and I feel it will become a permanent mark on my calendar.

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